The French Press Brewing Method

Simple steps for the perfect home French Press morning brew

A full-immersion method that produces rich, full-bodied coffee.


  • Coffee grounds sit directly in water for 4-5 minutes

  • Creates a stronger perceived flavor

  • Recommended grind: coarse (like sea salt)

  • Easy to use and produces a robust cup of coffee

French Press Coffee Brewing Method

Equipment Needed:

Step-by-Step Brewing Process

1. Prepare Your Equipment

  • Heat water to 200°F (just off boiling)

  • Grind coffee to a coarse, breadcrumb-like consistency

  • Use a coffee-to-water ratio of 1:16 (about 56g coffee to 16 oz water)

2. Preheat the French Press

  • Rinse the French press with hot water

  • Discard the warming water

3. Add Coffee Grounds

  • Place French press on scale

  • Add ground coffee

  • Zero the scale

4. Bloom Stage

  • Pour half the water (about 60g)

  • Saturate all grounds evenly

  • Let coffee bloom for 30-45 seconds

  • Grounds will rise and create a "crust"

5. Complete Brewing

  • Pour remaining water to fill the press

  • Gently stir with wooden spoon

  • Place lid on top (plunger up)

  • Steep for 4 minutes total

6. Plunge and Serve

  • Slowly press plunger down

  • Pour coffee immediately to prevent over-extraction

  • Serve and enjoy within 15 minutes

Pro Tips

  • Use water around 200°F

  • Grind should be coarse

  • Press gently to avoid bitter coffee

  • Clean French press after each use


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